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McKeever Hotels Send ZERO Waste to Landfill

McKeever Hotels Send ZERO Waste to Landfill

“This is another monumental step in putting The McKeever Hotel Groups sustainability policy into practice, for a better future for all”  Eddie McKeever, Operations Director

Our vision is to develop our operations efficiently with the goal of reducing our negative impact on the environment and maximizing benefits that we can add to the local area.

As stated in our hotel group’s sustainability policy:

 ‘We know that it is important to communicate our efforts in an honest way. We are aware of the risk of greenwashing, and we therefore commit to sharing our achievements honestly and openly using measurable facts on our journey to a more sustainable tourism product’

Through this, we are thrilled to put this statement into action and announce that our waste management services have been a success in keeping a low carbon footprint, working closely with local suppliers to support the community and thus take another step leading to a better future.

We had the pleasure of being offered an exclusive tour with one of our local suppliers, McQuillan Environmental where we were shown the inner workings of how waste is collected from our hotel sites and is sorted efficiently in order that 0% is sent to landfill, and waste is converted into fuel to be used by other local businesses in the area.

McQuillan’s is one of the local suppliers that works closely with the McKeever Hotel Group in controlling and maintaining an important level of service when it comes to food and waste management across all hotels.

Founded originally in 1880, McQuillan’s is a multi-site Waste and Resource Management organization serving all industrial and public sectors to meet their sustainability and legislative commitments.

Our Group Operations Manager, Eddie McKeever had the pleasure of meeting with Joe Sloan, the Commercial Manager of the McQuillan’s Environmental site in Antrim, where Eddie was given an exclusive tour around the site by Joe where he was shown the inner workings of the plant, seeing how the waste to processed from start to finish after being collected from each hotel.

From the site visit, we are proud to say Joe was able to aid our sustainability promise by stating “All materials collected that are brought to our McQuillan Environmental MRF plant and processed with 97% recycled and recovered”.

We would like to thank Joe and the team at McQuillan again for their hospitality and for giving us the opportunity to give us more insight and knowledge into how our waste is converted into energy and confirming that we are making a positive impact for the future in terms of sustainable waste management.

View our sustainability promise here:

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